Windows Batch File

Step 1 - Issue port forward command to the Control Panel

Step 2 - Create Pod

Step 3- Issue port forwarding to the pod

START /B kubectl port-forward [podname] 8080:80 5433:5432 > podresults.txt

Step 4- Initialize Pod

curl -X "POST" ^
  "http://localhost:8080/api/Pod/Init?username=[username]&password=[password]" ^
  -H "accept:  text/plain" 

Step 5- Upload SQL Files to Pod. Below shows you how to add multiple files.

curl -X  "POST" "http://localhost:8080/api/SQLFiles/Add?programming_langague=pgsql" ^
  -H "accept: */*" ^
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" ^
  -F files="@C:\\your directory\\your sub directory\\file1.pgsql" ^
  -F files="@C:\\your directory\\your sub directory\\file2.pgsql" 

Step 6-Add Data Source

curl -X "POST" ^
  "http://localhost:8080/api/DataSources/Add" ^
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
  -d "{  \"database_type\": \"POSTGRES\",  \"source_uid\": \"[source db username]\",  \"source_pwd\": \"[source db password]\",  \"source_database_name\": \"[source db name]\",  \"source_server\": \"[source server address]\",    \"source_port\": \"5432\",    \"simulated_uid\": \"[pod db username]\",  \"simulated_pwd\": \"[pod db password]\",  \"simulated_database_name\": \"postgres\",      \"simulated_server\": \"\",    \"simulated_port\": \"5432\"  }"

Step 7 - Test Data Source(optional)

curl -X "POST" ^
  "http://localhost:8080/api/DataSources/TestConnection" ^
  -H "accept:  text/plain" 

Step 8-Perform Preview Merge. You also have the option of doing a DryRun or PostviewMerge.

curl -X "GET" ^
  "http://localhost:8080/api/Run/PreviewMerge" ^
  -H "accept:  text/plain" 

Last updated